The Animal Defence Trust "Defending the Defenceless"
Defending the Defenceless Protection for Animals
The Animal Defence Trust Home Page About the animal Defence Trust Grant Applications Donations and Legacies Enquiries


In 1903 the Swedish Countess, Emily Augusta Louise Lind-af-Hageby founded the Animal Defence and Anti Vivisection Society which she ran until her death on 12 December 1963 from Animal Defence House, 15 St James's Place, London, SW1.

Following her death it became necessary to separate her assets from those of the Society and in February 1970 the vice Chancellor in the Chancery Division of the High Court gave judgement that 29/60ths of her assets, including Animal Defence House, belonged to the Society, subject to 24 of such 29ths being settled on Charitable Trusts to carry on the charitable purposes of the Society. In September 1971, with the approval of the Court and of the Attorney General, the Animal Defence Trust was registered with the Charity Commission as a registered charity.

View the 1971 Trust Deed

Later, following the liquidation of the Society, which had become a company limited by guarantee, the Commercial Court ruled in a judgement in 1991 that the surplus assets in the liquidation of the incorporated society should be transferred to the Animal Defence Trust including the proceeds of sale of the Society's 237 acres Ferne Estate, near Shaftesbury, Dorset.

View the 1991 Charity Commission Order

As a result, the Animal Defence Trust has been able, with largely the old Society's assets, to carry out the old Society's longstanding solely animal welfare charitable purpose.

The Trust

The Trustees meet annually to consider applications from registered charities for capital projects for animal welfare or animal protection projects or for running costs in circumstances where finances are restricted (see Terms & Conditions).

Trustees and Officers

Miss Marion Saunders
Mrs Carole Bowes MBE
Richard J Vines Esq.
Mrs Karla McKechnie
Alan Meyer Esq.

Trust & Grants Secretary
Roy Stokes Esq.
1A Dolphin Court Road

Policies and Objectives

The objects of the charity are:

  1. To protect animals from cruelty and suffering and to promote humane behaviour to animals so as to reduce the sum total of pain and fear inflicted upon animals by mankind.
  2. To promote and publish the results of research undertaken with a view to discovering means, whereby as far as possible, medical biological pharmaceutical and other research may be carried out without the use of animals and whereby as far as possible any pain and fear suffered by animals used in connection therewith may be eliminated or reduced.
  3. To assist in the establishment and maintenance of a body of inspectors to ensure that animals transported to docks, airports, markets, auction sales, exhibitions, circus shows and other places, events and meetings, are transported in proper and humane conditions and that animals are accommodated properly and humanely wherever they may be.

The charity operates throughout England and Wales. In addition, the charity, may from time to lime, operate in other countries worldwide.

In setting objectives and planning for activities, the Trustees have given due regard to general guidance published by the Charity Commission relating to public benefit and in particular to its supplementary public benefit guidance on the advancement of animal welfare.

Grant Making Policies

The charity operates in accordance with the Trust Deed's objects the Trustees’ policy of making grants to approved registered charities operating in the field of Animal Welfare in the United Kingdom and occasionally abroad, and generally supporting specific approved capital projects from such other registered charities.

Grant Applications

Grant applications must be submitted by 31 March in the relevant year.

The Animal Defence Trust
Charity registered in England and Wales
Registration no. 263095

1A Dolphin Court Road

Web site updated May 2021
WesternWeb Ltd